SBAMUG Election
The election of MUG officers for 2019 will be held at the December 12 meeting. The election slate is as follows:
Directors: Dave Nathanson, Arnold Silver, George Wilde, Joan King, Pete Myers
President: Kent McDonald
VP: vacant
Treasurer: CW Mitchell
Secretary: Wayne Inman
SBAMUG depends on its member volunteers to perform the many functions that keep it running. Currently, the VP and Greeter and two Director positions are not filled. We are trying to find a new Secretary to replace Wayne Inman who has served for so long that nobody can remember when he started. Also, several of the club directors are filling more than one position. Positions that are filled, but in need of new blood are Newsletter Editor and Program Chairman.
It is not too late to volunteer! The descriptions of several of these jobs are listed below. See our web page for all job descriptions. If you decide to help out, send an email to
- Vice President – perform all the duties of the president, and when so acting shall have all the powers of, and be subject to all the restrictions upon, the president.
- Secretary – keep a copy of minutes, mail and other forms filed in a big book, available at the office during business hours. Experience with small business management and/or bookkeeping is desirable but not necessary for this position. Secretary must have an office or home office which is accessible 9 – 5, Mon – Fri.
- Directors at large – attend meetings and Core Group meetings, help out with club activities as needed.
- Greeter – attend meetings, greet members as they arrive, make sure nonmembers are welcomed and provided with newsletters and flyers.
- Program Chairman – attend Core Group meetings where topics and presenters are discussed. Make arrangements with presenters.
- Newsletter Editor – gather articles for newsletter, use page layout software (Pages, for example) to produce newsletter, send completed pdf to printer.