Meeting (via Zoom)
The South Bay Apple Mac Users Group has been around for over 30 years. We are a group of 72+ Mac, iPad, iPhone and Apple Watch aficionados.
6:30 PM, Beginners Q & A
7:15 PM: On Wednesday, February 22nd, there will be a meeting with presenter and President Kent Mcdonald.
Three Screencast OnlineTip videos will be shown as the 42 minute Presentation for the SBAMUG General Meeting on February 22. The first Tip “Quick Look on macOS” explains how you can view the contents of files without opening them, by just pressing the spacebar. Fies may contain text, video, audio or images. Also you may share files with others, and also learn the size, etc.
Best way to get the Zoom meeting code is to sign up for the SBAMUG email group. Link is here. Then you will be notified a few days before the meeting with the meeting code and with a .ics link to also let you place it into your calendar app.
Note phone contact for help with Passwords to the meeting or General Zoom help is TBD at the moment.