from the Wiki


The SBAMUG website at one time had a Wiki that is no longer maintained. This page contains some of the most useful information from that Wiki. Major topics are How To, Tips, Mac Maintenance, Security, Favorite Websites, PD Page, Special Interests, and WordPress



Goto-> Tips HowTo Maintenance Issues What is the meaning of … Security Issues Help:Wiki

Applescript: Access iPhoto Pictures

Change Home Folder/Account Name-Leopard

Clear DNS Cache

Create AOL Address in Apple Mail

AOL Service Assistant

Utility to Move AOL stuff to your various Apple Applications.

Create e-mail address in Apple Mail


Backup Flow Chart

Convert Microsoft Publisher Files

This Web site will convert Microsoft Publisher documents into PDF format for free. (Handles the *.pub files that Mac’s can’t handle directly).

Create PDF’s in OSX


IMovie HD

Network: Mac and PC(Windows)

First step is to install Bonjour for Windows on the Windows PC. That will allow them to see/share printers and other things. Also make sure that File sharing and Printer sharing is turned on in all machines.

Print Test Page

Using CUPS. A great way to determine if your printer is working and all ink is available for use.

Remove Mac Classic

The easy way is a clean install of Tiger, Mac OSX.4, or upgrading to Leopard (My personal Favorite..lj). However here is a slightly geek-y way.

Repair Disk Permissions

Reset User Password without Install Disk

Review plist Files

How To provides a script that will verify that your preference files, *.plist, are properly formed. Improperly formed files may indicate corrupted or damaged file that maybe causing you problems.


Web Mail Access


Request SBAMUG Address

Screen Sharing

Wireless Printing

Your presentation



Goto-> Tips HowTo Maintenance Issues What is the meaning of … Security Issues Help:Wiki

Discover which programs prevent disk image ejection

Dock Tips

Finder Tips

Front Row

Google Calculator

iRC Chats


Enable half-star rating in iTunes

Remove Ping Dropdown Menu

iWork Tips

Keyboard Shortcuts

Photo Booth Tips

Safari Tips

Startup Mode Selector (32/64) in Snow Leopard

Snow Leopard is 64bit compatible on 64-bit machines. However, Apple has set the default to 32 bitmode on everything but Xserve. If you would like to transition to 64 bit mode the check out this site.

Time Machine Tips

Turn on AppleScript Menu

DreamHost Tips

Page Counters

OS X 10.5 and 10.6 Preview pdf combining tips

Word Formatting Palette Off Screen fix

Los Angeles DTV Assignments


Mac Maintenance

Goto-> Tips HowTo Maintenance Issues What is the meaning of … Security Issues Help:Wiki

Repair Disk Permissions

This should be done:

  • Before and after a major software upgrade. Like adding MS Office or upgrading Mac OS X to the next version.
  • Before cloning or a major Backup
  • List from Apple of permissions you can ignore: [1]

Clean-up Previous Recipients List

This is one of those things you should do if you don’t remember when you did it last time. It should also be looked at anytime you change a eMail address in your Address book or you fill-in addresses show issues.


Security Issues

Goto-> Tips HowTo Maintenance Issues What is the meaning of … Security Issues Help:Wiki

The Primary Security rule for a Mac is to NEVER download or install a program from Someone or Someplace you Don’t know.

If your going to download a Utility or Application, it is usually better to goto,, or some other trusted site to get the file.

DNS Poison Cache Problem

New York Times Article

Security update released by Apple.Description Security Update 2008-005. For Tiger and Leopard. Apple’s release appears to be incomplete. They have fixed the BIND code that is used by very few people not running servers, but have not fixed the DNS resolver code used by everyone. Admittedly, the part they fixed 3 weeks late is the part that has attacks already in the wild. Initially the bad guys are after the ISP’s and big DNS providers. (Note: The attack on individual machines have not been found in the wild. Probably because the bad guys get better results, more computers, attacking ISP’s. Furthermore, Good News: The NAT built in to a router will protect your machine from attack. Bad news: Routers themselves are probably open to attack until their firmware is upgraded.)

10.5.5 update fixes DNS vulnerability (and Security Update 2008-006) fixes a critical DNS vulnerability that could allow attackers to trick victims into visiting malicious Web sites using what’s known as a “cache poisoning attack.” Although Apple’s release notes say BIND was updated “to address performance issues,” the update also delivers the promised address port randomization that protects users from such cache poisoning attacks. The original patch offered protection for Apple’s servers but did not completely protect client systems. Apple’s updates fixed flaws in several applications and system components, including some that attackers could use to run unauthorized software on a user’s computer.

The only attack in the wild is the one against ISP’s and DNS providers. This is the one you should be concerned about right now. If your ISP has not fixed the problem I would consider using OpenDNS or so other DNS provider which has already fixed the problem. This is the most serious Security issue in recent memory. It has not all been fixed or solved. I would only worry about the part you can do something about (See below. The next step will be to keep an eye for firmware updates for your router.

Recently, a significant threat to DNS, the system that translates names you can remember (such as to numbers the Internet can route ( was discovered, that would allow malicious people to impersonate almost any website on the Internet. Software companies across the industry have quietly collaborated to simultaneously release fixes for all affected name servers. Many ISP’s have not as yet fixed this hole. The primary way most people will see this problem is because their ISP/DNS Server provider has the problem.

Although it can affect your computer if is it is not behind a firewall or a NAT. A patch has been released for windows but no word on whether the Mac has the problem or Not. — It probably does do the fact the flaw seems to be in all OS’s except OpenBSD.

Recommended Fix

Proceed to and install/use their Free DNS server. Instructions are available at the site. You do not have to use your ISP’s DNS. Furthermore, this free service has a number of great services that you might like.

Test For Problem

Method 1

Goto this link: DNS Test. It will automatically test your system.

Method 2

Enter the following into a Terminal window.

dig +short TXT

To test a specific DNS server, you can add @-ip as follows You should get back an answer that looks like this:
" is GOOD: 26 queries in 0.1 seconds from 26 ports with std dev 14296.56"

The above Good score came from a OpenDNS Server.
The following will test a Verizon DNS Server.

dig @ +short TXT
" is FAIR: 26 queries in 0.4 seconds from 26 ports with std dev 3692.09"

Your resolver’s randomness will be rated either GOOD, FAIR, or POOR, based on the standard deviation of observed source ports. In order to receive a GOOD rating, the standard deviation must be at least 10,000. For FAIR it must be at least 3,000. Anything less is POOR. The best standard deviation you can expect to see from 26 queries is in the 18,000-20,000 range.

DNS records used in this test are given 60 second TTLs. To repeat the test you should wait at least 60 seconds.

Method 3

To find out if the DNS server you use is vulnerable. Proceed to the following website,, and press Check DNS.

ARD Agent Security Hole

This new security hole can only hurt you with your help. You must execute the file.

Workaround available

Problem with 10.5 Leopard and 10.4 Tiger operating system. Security update released by Apple.Description Security Update 2008-005.


Navigate to /System -> Library -> CoreServices -> RemoteManagement, and Control-click on ARDAgent. In the contextual menu that appears, select Compress ARDAgent (in 10.5; in 10.4, I believe it will say Create Archive of ARDAgent). This will create a zip file of ARDAgent on your Desktop (as you don’t have rights to modify the original folder).

Next, drag ARDAgent to the trash can, provide your admin password when asked, then empty the trash. Finally, drag the zipped version of ARDAgent into the RemoteManagement folder, again providing your password when asked. (This last bit is optional; you can keep the file wherever you like, but I find it easier to store it where I know it belongs.)

When Apple releases a security update to patch this hole, expand the zip archive before running Software Update—so that Software Update will find the full application to patch. Note that this solution will prevent anyone from using Apple Remote Desktop to control your Mac. If you’re in such an environment where someone needs access to Apple Remote Desktop—say, in a business or in a school—you’ll need to speak to your administrators about their preferred solution to this problem.


Leopard comes with Apple’s Remote Desktop Agent installed, so users can run screen sharing on their computers. This is exceptionally convenient for users, but there is a major flaw in the Apple Remote Desktop Agent (ARDAgent) which allows shell scripts to be run as root. This is caused by the Agent’s “set-user ID on execution” bit, for which it resolves to root. As such, code can be run as root, which can severely compromise the system.

This problem affects all users, and not just screen sharing or remote desktop users. Luckily there are limits to its execution, and it requires explicit

Workaround Apple is aware of this problem, but until they issue a patch for ARDAgent, running the following command to remove the setting of user/group ID upon execution will prevent the execution of commands as root:

sudo chmod -s /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/

If this leads to any faulty screen sharing behavior, then users can switch it back to normal by entering the same code with the “+s” option instead of “-s“, as follows:

sudo chmod +s /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/
Note: This fix can be removed my Repairing Disk Permissions. It resets the permissions changed to protect you in this case.

ARDAgent Test

Enter the following line into terminal. If it responds with root then the problem exists. If it responds with your short name, then things are probably OK.

osascript -e 'tell app "ARDAgent" to do shell script "whoami"'


Favorite Websites

Mac Help Sites

Mac OSX Hints

OSX Help

Apple Support



Instructions and parts for fixing your iPod or Mac

.Mac Status

Mac Open Source Applications Sites

Google Mac Developer Playground

Review Sites

A site containing lists of most Mac Software with some recommendations.

A site containing lists of most Mac Software with some recommendations.

Surfbits: Home of Mac Reviews

A simple list of free Open Source software for the Mac.

Tech News Sites

ars Technica


Mac News Sites

The Unofficial Apple Weblog




Apple Insider

Mac Rumor Sites

Mac Rumors

MacRumors Buyer’s Guide

Provide our best guess/recommendations regarding current product cycles, and to provide a summary of currently available rumors for each model.

Daring Fireball

By John Gruber

HTML / Scripting Sites

iTunes Scripts

Doug’s AppleScripts for iTunes. Free user-contributed AppleScripts for Apple’s iTunes that will make maintaining your digital music collection easier and more fun!

HTML Guide/Tutorial

Audiobook Websites

Bob Brooks posted this entry on our e-mail group: “I’ve posted a step-by-step procedure for importing a set of audiobook CDs into iTunes where you can put them on your iPod.” === Bob’s ‘How to article’ === Bob’s e-mail set off a series of e-mails from our members telling of their favorite audiobook websites. I also included some of their comments.
Listed below, in no particular order, are the sites.


Literal Systems


Audiobooks For Free

Many books from which to choose. They are cheap, but not free.


Does have some tough DRM (digital rights mgmt) attached to them.


Get the Sherlock Holmes series. They are terrific. UPDATE: Most of the books I’ve downloaded from the free sites are read by volunteers and are less than earthshaking. An exception was the Sherlock Holmes series I downloaded from gutenberg a few years ago. I revisited the Sherlock Holmes books and found they are now read by volunteers. A big let down. Maybe there were some copyright problems?

County of Los Angeles Public Library

If you have a County of Los Angeles Public Library Card, then you can check out audio books for free.

You need to download their special software, === Special software download link ===, which allows you to put them on your iPod. The library audiobook expires after 3 weeks.

Problem is the Mac versions aren’t as plentiful as the Windows versions.

Non Computer Related- Information/Reference Sites

Here are the sites I mentioned in the Sept 2010 Beginners Group Presentation on Specific Searching

Internet Movie Data Base(imdb)

This is the Internet movie data base. Movies, TV, TV movies, actors etc.

CIA World Factbook

This site has information about all world countries and regions.

Library of Congress

Library of Congress

Scholarly Internet Resource Collections ie infomine


Rumor confirm/undetermined/denied site

Compiled by: Margaret

Section 9 added 9/30/2010 Jimp


PD Page

CD Label



I research and write the PD CD column in the newsletter each month. I also make the physical CD that you can purchase at the back table at our monthly meetings. The CD’s cost $5.00 each (except the archive CD that costs $20.00)

Published every other month, these discs contain the shareware, freeware, and public domain (PD) programs, that are reviewed monthly in the club’s newsletter.

Shareware is defined as programs that you can try out, and if you like them, pay the developer the shareware fee. Often features may be limited until you pay the fee and get the registration code. Freeware is defined as free programs, but retain copyright control by the developer. Public domain is defined as free programs that don’t have any copyright control.

Read the articles in the notebooks to determine the system requirements for each program. Generally OS X is required for the past several years.


  • January-February CD : Available at our February meeting.
  • March-April CD: Available at our April meeting
  • May-June CD: Available at our June meeting
  • July-August CD: Available at our August meeting
  • September-October CD: Available at our October meeting
  • November-December CD: Available at our December meeting.

Why buy these? Save download time, especially for those of you on dial-up. All purchases help support this user group.


I am open to suggestions. Email the SBAMUG group or direct to me at <email> </email>. Note this is a graphic such that the spamers can’t grab it.

However some comments:

  • Don’t even suggest copyrighted commercial programs. It is illegal to distribute these.
  • I generally don’t include Alpha or Beta versions of programs. These will have bugs and issues.
  • Screen-savers, sounds and the like. There are millions of these out there, and I don’t want to second guess what would appeal to people.

Listings Notes:

If the listing text is blue/purple then I’ve linked the listed program to an internal link on this wiki. This will generally be a review. If you see a box with an arrow pointing out this will be a link to an external website; generally the site of the shareware program. Realize this is a lot of work and will be a slow “work in progress” to add links

Content Listing by month

Current Year (2013):


33rpm.dmg DGamm623.dmg
LittleSnitch-3.0.2.dmg mlcc.dmg

Go To:

PD Page 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Main Page


Attention Interested in functions, hooks, classes, or methods? Check out the new WordPress Code Reference!

New To WordPress – Where to Start

If you are new to WordPress, here is a step-by-step plan for getting started. If you need help along the way, plenty of options for assistance are listed in this article. Welcome to the exciting world of WordPress!

Step One – Read


WordPress is a great product. It’s easy-to-use, powerful, and flexible. Creating a website, and maintaining a website, is a science and art that has quickly evolved. In order to fully appreciate this it is important to be well read on the subject. One major thing to keep in mind is your investment of time. Being knowledgeable will without a doubt save you much time in the long run. With that in mind, before you invest your valuable time and energy into installing WordPress, there are some documents you need to read to help you get started.

Suggested reading includes,

Step Two – Make a Plan

Based upon the information you’ve just read, including instructions on installing WordPress, you should have a list of the things you need and things to do. If not, make that list now. You’ll want to make sure it includes the following information:

The following documents will help you understand more about how WordPress works and how to make a plan for your WordPress site:

It is important to make a plan about how you want to use WordPress on your site. Here are some questions to ask yourself.

  • Will you install WordPress in the root directory, subdirectory, or you just want to make a test site to make sure you want to use it?
  • Have you made a list of your site categories to organize your content by groups?
  • Have you made a list of Pages you may want to add to your site, such as About, Contact, or Events?
  • Have you thought about what you want in the header art of the site?
  • Have you developed a content strategy and list of topics to help start blogging?
  • Have you thought about how to integrate social media into your WordPress site and workflow?

Step Three – Install WordPress

With this information and your plan, it’s time to install WordPress.

Step Four – Set Up WordPress

With your installation complete, it’s time to set up WordPress so it will work the way you want it to work.

To help you understand how all the various features and screens on the WordPress Administration Panels work, check out theAdministration Screens guide for a detailed walkthrough.

For help on creating your user profile information, of which some or all may appear on your WordPress Theme, see the Users > Your Profile pages for guidance.

To set the site name and other information, go to Administration > Settings > General.

After you’ve published a few posts, you can experiment with the full edit or quick edit features in the Administration > Posts > Postspanel.

Add your “About,” “Contact,” and other information Pages by going to Administration > Pages > Add New.

Want to change the look and feel of your WordPress site? Go to Administration > Appearance > Themes.

Take time to explore the WordPress Codex site, the official documentation site for WordPress. You’ll find helpful information by readingWordPress Lessons, and these helpful documents:

Appearance and Themes

Changing the look of your WordPress website is easy with just a few clicks.

At this point, there may be something about your chosen Theme that is bothering you, or, you really want to get your hands dirty understanding how your WordPress Theme works. These simple guides will help you learn about customizing your WordPress Theme:

If you want to create a new WordPress Theme from scratch, or do major renovations, or even design WordPress Themes for public release, you will need to be familiar with HTML, XHMTL, and CSS. The following documents will get you started:

If you want a custom-made WordPress Theme created especially for you by expert web-designers, it is recommended you search for qualified web designers on the Internet, or look in your local community.

Adding WordPress Plugins

There are many “add-on” scripts and programs for WordPress called Plugins that add more capabilities, choices, and options to your WordPress site. WordPress Plugins do many things, including customizing the results of your site information, adding weather reports, adding spell check capability, and presenting custom lists of posts and acronyms. For more on how to work with Plugins and where to find WordPress Plugins for your site:

Advanced Use of WordPress

Now that you are familiar with the basic features and functions of how WordPress works, it might be time for you to plunge deeper into the power of WordPress. The links below will expand your familiarity with PHP, HTML, XHTML, and CSS:

Need More Help

As simple and easy as it is to use WordPress, if troubles arise, if something is confusing, if things aren’t working, don’t despair because help is available! Even though WordPress is free and open source, there are literally hundreds of volunteers eager to help you. Here are some helpful official resources for WordPress:

Giving Back to WordPress

Now that you’re a full fledged WordPress user, consider contributing to the WordPress Codex, Support Forum, Development, and other volunteer efforts that keep WordPress going. WordPress is free and totally supported by volunteers, and your help is needed.

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