What is an eMail Group
A system which distributes eMail to people who are members of the group. The system, referred to as a list server, takes eMail from members of the group and re-transmit it to all members of the list.
Q: So, really, what’s the mailing list for?
A: Oh, mostly for Mac User Group announcements, meeting reminders, request technical help, fun Mac things to do, and to help keep us together as a group. We’re hoping that if you *know about* what’s going on, that you’ll participate and have a good time.
Q: How do I change the email address that I get the eGroup mails?
A: Unsubscribe the old address, and Subscribe to the new one. If you can’t send mail from the old address; send eMail to with a request.
Q: Will I get a bunch of junk mail?
A: No. We don’t archive this eGroup. and you’re not allowed to do so in a public place. But our members can say whatever, and we don’t even try to control it. We do sort of try to stay on topic; that is on the topic of MAC stuff most of the time. We do promise not to sell your contact info.
Q: Can anybody join?
A: Yes, and we also encourage you to support our MUG with your membership dollars.
Q: Can anyone send eMail to the Group?
A: No. Only members of the group can send eMail to the group. You must use the email address that you signed up with.
Mailing List Etiquette
eMail Group Action Table
Send to Address New User Existing Subscriber everybody-on@sbamug.com Subscribe to list in default Mode (Feed) Confirm Current Subscription Mode everybody-Feed@sbamug.com Subscribe to list in Feed Mode Change Subscription Mode to Feed (Non Digest) everybody-Digest@sbamug.com Subscribe to list in Digest Mode Change Subscription Mode to Digest everybody-Null@sbamug.com Subscribe to list in Null Mode (Send Only) Change Subscription Mode to Null everybody-off@sbamug.com UnSubscribe to List ( Good Bye)
- The server will respond to these messages. You must reply to that response to complete the transaction.
How Do I Join/Subscribe to the group?
You send email to everybody-on@sbamug.com. The list server will then reply to your return email address with email requesting confirmation of your email address. All you need to do is to reply to that confirmation message and you will be a member of the eMail Group. Note: everybody-on@sbamug.com will not override a previous everybody-Null@sbamug.com or everybody-Digest@sbamug.com request. You must use a everybody-Feed@sbamug.com request.
How Do I Leave/unSubscribe to the group?
You send email to everybody-off@sbamug.com. The list server will then reply to your return email address with email requesting confirmation. All you need to do is to reply to that confirmation message.
How do I setup a second eMail address?
Lets say that you have 2 email addresses and you want to be able to send eMail from either of your accounts, but only need it to come to one address. You can make the extra accounts work with the list by sending email from all but one account to everybody-Null@sbamug.com. You then reply to the confirmation and everything is set. (You can revert to receiving eMail using this account by sending eMail to everybody-Feed@sbamug.com or everybody-Digest@sbamug.com.) You might want to use this while on vacation.
Can I use Digest mode?
In digest mode the list server collects all the eMail up in one message and sends it once a day. You can get it by sending eMail to everybody-Digest@sbamug.com. It should be noted that the format of the digest mode eMail is not perfect, so I would not recommend it.
How do I Stop Digest Mode?
You can revert back to the normal feed by sending eMail to everybody-Feed@sbamug.com.